复旦大学数字信号处理与传输实验室的谢煊同学的论文Bayesian Design of Sampling Set for Bandlimited Graph Signals,被7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) 2019录用

论文摘要:The design of sampling set (DoS) for bandlimited graph signals (GS) has been extensively studied in recent years, but few of them exploit the benefits of the stochastic prior of GS. In this work, we introduce the optimization framework for Bayesian DoS of bandlimited GS. We also illustrate how the choice of different sampling sets affects the estimation error and how the prior knowledge influences the result of DoS compared with the non-Bayesian DoS by the aid of analyzing Gershgorin discs of error metric matrix. Finally, based on our analysis, we propose a heuristic algorithm for DoS to avoid solving the optimization problem directly.

论文作者:Xuan Xie, Junhao Yu, Hui Feng, Bo Hu